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Information for publishers

Publishing – Things to Remember

When choosing a magazine, it is worth:

We encourage you to read the article about predatory publishers and magazines How to search without being fooled, or "predatory journals"

When publishing, it is worth using open publishing programs.

UWAGA: Sprawdź aktualny status programu publikowania otwartego.

When writing a publication, it is worth using bibliography managers, thanks to which you can save descriptions from databases and other sources, quickly insert footnotes in the text, and based on the footnotes, the program will place a list of used literature at the end of the publication.

Selected bibliography management programs:


  • In the affiliation, the name of the unit in which the publication was created should be given. The correct Polish and English names of the University units can be found in the currently applicable UML Organizational Regulations.
  • include your ORCID number in the publication.

Doktoranci ze Szkoły Doktorskiej UML zobowiązani są do:

having an ORCID account (in accordance with Order No. 108/2018 of the Rector of the Medical University of Lublin).

When creating an ORCID account, please enter the name of the organizational unit provided in Annex No. 1 to the Organizational Regulations, consolidated text of April 2, 2024.

The ORCID ID number should be sent to:, for entry into the UMLub Bibliography Database.

Instructions on how to set up an ORCID account and how to link your ORCID identifier to your Scopus and Web of Science database identifiers can be found on the subpage A scientist's business card.

placing publications on your ORCID account (pursuant to Journal of Laws 2018, item 1668, art. 265 sec. 11).
connecting your ORCID account to your database account Polish Scientific Bibliography and POL-on (according
with Order No. 162/2020 of the Rector of the Medical University of Lublin).

Linking accounts will allow for the unambiguous identification of a given author in both databases and will ensure quick retrieval of information about the publications collected in the future.
in the author's ORCID account.

Instructional video:
Registering a PBN user account and linking your account to your ORCID and POL-on ID
Connecting your PBN account to your ORCID and POL-on account

Registration of publications in the UMLub Bibliography Database

  • In order for the publication to be registered in the database, the full text, scan or link to the full text must be sent to the following address: or deliver the original/copy of the publication to the Department of Scientific Information and Library Didactics (Computer Room, room 107).


  • In the base Bibliography UMLub journal articles, monographs, chapters from monographs, conference papers and abstracts, doctoral theses, patents and popular science publications are registered. Conference programs and certificates of participation in the conference are not subject to registration.


Scientific article it is a peer-reviewed article published in a scientific journal that presents a specific issue in an original and creative, problem-based or cross-sectional way, with a bibliography or footnotes.

The following are not considered scientific articles: editorial, abstract, extended abstract, letter, erratum and editorial note.

Scientific monograph it is a peer-reviewed book publication that presents a specific scientific issue in an original and creative way, with a bibliography or footnotes.

Rules for assigning points in the UMLub Bibliography Database

Publications are scored based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.    

Points from the list are awarded to (data from 2019):

scientific articles from scientific journals and peer-reviewed conference materials published:

    - in 2024 based on the list to MN announcement of January 5, 2024
    - in 2023 based on the list to MEiN announcement of November 3, 2023
    – in the years 2019-2022 based on the list to the MEiN announcement of December 21, 2021

according to the following principle:

Article or conference material included in a given list

20 points, 40 points, 70 points, 100 points, 140 points, 200 points

Article or conference material off the list

5 points

 – scientific monographs from 2019-2024 based on the list of publishers announced in MEiN announcement of 22 July 2021

according to the following principle:

Publishing house level II

200 points – authorship of a monograph
100 points – scientific editing of the monograph
50 points – chapter in a monograph

Publishing house level I

80 points – authorship of a monograph
20 points – scientific editing of the monograph
20 points – chapter in a monograph

Publishing house outside the publisher list

20 points – authorship of a monograph
5 points – scientific editing of the monograph
5 points – chapter in a monograph


Achievements are reported to evaluate the quality of scientific activity. within the disciplines practiced in a given entity. For each publication, individual shares are calculated each author (applies to staff authors) in research, research and teaching positions, teaching positions conducting scientific activities and doctoral students from the UML Doctoral School) so-called slots.

The evaluation covers achievements that have arisen in connection with employment or education (Doctoral School) at the entity.


Publication Slot (for an author) is the sum of that person's individual shares in various publications, giving the number 1.

For publications, the so-called individual share of each author is calculated. When a person is the sole author of a publication (scientific article/monograph/conference material), their unit share is equal to 1. In the case of multi-author publications, the value of the unit share is less than 1.

For each unit contribution (filling part of a slot) its point value is determined.

For multi-author publications the point value that publications and author slots receive depends on the number of people who submitted statements in a given discipline, the number of all authors of a given publication and the number of points assigned to a given journal.

A detailed description of how points and slots are calculated can be found in Help.

We encourage you to take advantage of counting table, to check what number of points/slots the author of a given publication will receive.

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