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Open access databases


Open access databases are available from any IP address.

List of open access databases

Nazwa Dostawca Opis
Agricola U.S. Department of Agriculture Database maintained by the US Department of Agriculture, collecting Open Access materials in the field of agriculture, biotechnology and related.
Arianta Arianta Database indexing Polish scientific and industry journals.
Bibliografia UMLub UMLub Database indexing publications by employees of the Medical University of Lublin.
BioMedCentral Springer Database offering access to approximately 300 journal titles in open access.
BRENDA DSMZ Leibniz Open access database containing functional data on enzymes.
ChemSpider Royal Society of Chemistry Open access database containing information and formulas of chemical compounds. National Library of Medicine Open access database collecting clinical trial results.
Dimensions Digital Science & Research Solutions Global database indexing materials from the world of science - research results, articles, patents, most in open access.
Directory of Open Access Books DOAB Database offering access to over 80,000 Open Access books from many fields of science and humanities.
Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ Database offering access to Open Access journals from many fields of science and humanities.
Espacenet EPO Database of registered patents maintained by the European Patent Office (EPO).
Free Books 4 Doctors Free Books 4 Doctors Database collecting openly available book titles in the field of medicine and related sciences.
Free Medical Books Free Medical Books A database collecting freely available journal titles in the field of medicine and related sciences.
International Nuclear Information System International Atomic Energy Agency A database of sources on the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
MEDtube MEDtube A training platform for doctors containing over 30,000 objects such as instructional videos, courses, webinars.
Nauka Polska (OPI) Ośrodek Przetwarzania Informacji A database containing profiles of historically and currently active people in Polish science.
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations  NDLTD A database collecting access to scientific papers in open repositories.
PeDro The PeDro Partnership A database containing information, results of clinical trials, guidelines and other useful data from the field of physiotherapy.
Polish Scientific Journals Database ICM UW A database enabling searching for full-text articles in Polish Open Access journals in many fields of science.
PROSPERO National Institute For Health and Care Research A database registering and providing systematic reviews from the area of ​​interest of medical sciences.
PubMed National Library of Medicine A bibliographic database containing over 37 million records from world medical literature,
WHO World Health Organization Database maintained by the US Department of Agriculture, collecting Open Access materials in the field of agriculture, biotechnology and related.
Agricola (NAL Catalog)U.S. Department of AgricultureA database maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture collecting Open Access materials in the fields of agriculture, biotechnology, and related fields.
ARIANTA Scientific and Professional Polish JournalsAriantaDatabase indexing Polish scientific and industry journals.
Bibliography UMLubUMlubA database indexing publications by employees, PhD students and students of the Medical University of Lublin.
BioMedCentralSpringerA database offering access to approximately 300 open access journal titles. 
BrendaDSMZ LeibnizOpen access database containing functional data on enzymes.
ChemSpiderRoyal Society of ChemistryAn open-access database containing information and formulas of chemical compounds.
ClinicalTrials.govNational Library of MedicineOpen access database collecting clinical trial results.
DimensionsDigital Science & Research SolutionsA global database indexing materials from the world of science – research results, articles, patents, most of them open access.
Directory of Open Access BooksDOABA database offering access to over 80,000 Open Access books in many fields of science and humanities.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)DOJA database offering access to Open Access journals from many fields of science and humanities.
EspacenetEPODatabase of registered patents maintained by the European Patent Office (EPO).
Free Books 4 DoctorsFree Books 4 DoctorsA database collecting freely available book titles in the field of medicine and related sciences.
Free Medical JournalsFree Medical JournalsA database collecting freely available journal titles in the field of medicine and related sciences.
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)International Atomic Energy AgencyDatabase of sources on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
MEDTubeMEDtubeA training platform for doctors containing over 30,000 objects such as instructional videos, courses, webinars.
Science Poland (OPI)Information Processing CenterA database containing profiles of historically and currently active people in Polish science.
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)NDLTDA database collecting access to scientific papers in open repositories.
PeterThe PeDro PartnershipA database containing information, clinical trial results, practice guidelines and other useful data in the field of physiotherapy.
Polish Scientific Journals DatabaseICM UWA database enabling searching for full-text articles in Polish Open Access journals in many fields of science.
PROSPERONational Institute For Health and Care ResearchA database that registers and provides access to systematic reviews in the field of medical sciences.
PubMedNational Library of MedicineA bibliographic database containing over 37 million records from the world's medical literature.
World Health Organization (WHO)World Health OrganizationThe website of the World Health Organization, containing a lot of current information from the world of medicine such as research results, reports, research data. 
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